Friday, February 11, 2011

Mmmmm Coffee!

I love coffee! Well for the past three days anyway. I don't know why, but for the past three mornings I have just been craving it hard core. French roast with skim milk. It's great too because it keeps the appetite away. I drink coffee and I'm good to go until maybe 4pm before the cravings start creeping back in. I hope I don't become addicted to it, because I don't want to be one of those grumpy people that can't function at all without their morning cup of coffee. My plan for today is to go to classes, clean my messy messy dorm room, do laundry, work out while laundry is washing, put laundry in dryer, take shower while laundry is drying, pack up my stuff for the weekend, go home for family time, maybe see my wonderful boyfriend tonight :) He is absolutely wonderful.

I'm so impatient sometimes, because I want to see results from working out right away, but it's only been like 3 days :p I just need to keep my head in it and keep being strong. Weigh-in tomorrow morning! How exciting lol I hope I see some progress. Stay strong everybody!
Much love,
<3 Sunshinechild69


  1. Coffee is great!

    It's good that things are going well for you!

  2. I love coffee! I'm actually drinking some right now lol his stuff can be very addictive. Keep up the good work :)
