Friday, December 2, 2011

What Body Shape am I?

Inspired by Skinny Ninny I want to know, what body shape do you think I am?                                             


  1. Im sorry i'm no good with body shapes, Would hazzard a guess at hour glass though.

    But what I really want to say is WOW!!!!
    Your body is what i'm striving for, I want your super flat stomach, I want those hip bones, I really really want those ribs

    You are my thinsporation


  2. you have a very athletic body shapy (very thin and tonesd :) ) but you also have a nice tiny waist. I am very jealous, keep up the good work xx

  3. Ah, I'm not good with body shapes, but those pictures are incredibly gorgeous! And I was wondering, nott hat it matters I suppose haha, were you sucking in on the first picture?

  4. going by this

    i would say "apple" because you've got a chest but small hips and bum

  5. omg i wish i looked like that! one of these days....

    your toned so that plays a role...would kinda have to agree and say more apple shaped. not to be taken as what most people with apple look like, with the big middle, but just because you dont have huge hips...

  6. lol nope I'm not sucking in :) If I suck in, It looks like my ribs stick out like 4 inches farther than my stomach

  7. i thought u were sucking in, if not then wow...ur stomach is so flat. hmm in that case you look either apple shape or column to be hour glass your waist has to be atleast around 7 inches smaller htan ur bust and hips.

  8. jealous <3
    and id say apple too :)
    lottie x

  9. Lol I just checked. If I suck in, my waist is 22.5 :)

  10. wow I want your waist(: you are so toned girl!

  11. WOW you look AMAZING!!!!! Completely perfect :) Damnnn is your waist seriously 22.5 when sucking in??? Haha mine is only 25 when sucking in. Maaaaaybe 24. Your hard work is really paying off!!! And I would say apple but I hesitate because most apples I know are "top-heavy," if you get what I mean? Like, they might have skinny legs but they look disproportionately large on top. You are NOT. You just have great boobs, haha. You are skinny. Now I know what I need to weigh to be skinny hahaha.

  12. You are killing yourself, you DO realise that?
