Hello lovely readers. You know how sometimes people leave horribly mean and rude comments on your blog, and you think it's probably best to just ignore or delete the comment? I prefer to call them out and set them straight. If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times, If you do not approve of pro-ana blogs or weight loss blogs, get the hell away from my site! Seriously, if you don't like what I'm doing,then why are you browsing through my page? Here is the post that was commented on if you want to check it out. This is what was said, AnonymousSeptember 26, 2012 9:23 AM
"You are waaay too skinny and you look like you have some type of eating disorder. 50 years ago, men would have avoided you like the plague because you look sickly.
Gain some weight." And here was my response, SunshinechildSeptember 27, 2012 12:19 PM
"First of all, stay off my blog if you only have negative things to say. Secondly, I'm at a healthy weight for my height, so any medical professional would not tell me I need to gain weight. 3rd of all, 50 years ago was 1962, the beginning of models having super slim bodies, so I'm pretty sure men would not have " avoided me like the plague" Finally, if I do have "some type of eating disorder" do you really think that you saying hurtful things about my body is going to help? Have a nice day! " I think it's so damn funny because first of all, they comment anonymously because they are too afraid to put who they really are. Secondly, I know they just want to get a response out of me and want to hurt my feelings, so they will check back to see if I said anything. Well you know what, it does hurt my feelings that people are so mean and jealous, but it will not change my outlook on life or what I am doing. Their comments are falling on deaf ears. Also, I'm pretty sure they were probably looking up something on google about weight loss and that's how they came across my blog. Dear anonymous comment leaver, I'm sorry that you're overweight and unhappy with your body shape. If you want some help losing the extra pounds, I'd be more than happy to give any advice that I can, but I have no time for your insults and hurtful words. There is only room for positive comments here. If you don't like what I do or say, then get off of my blog. I hope you check back here and read this and take a really close look at yourself before you start judging others. Any time you wish to apologize, I'll be here waiting patiently. <3