Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Summer Slimdown Day 1= Epic Fail

Soooo I need to set myself a new rule for this challenge. I was at about 900 calories yesterday and I figured after gymnastics I could have a little ice cream to take me up to 1200 for the day. Well, my boyfriend and I binged sooooo bad on chocolate ice cream. I don't even want to think about it. The good news is, I woke up at only 133.4, so it wasn't too horrible I guess. Ugh, my throat hurts so bad. The new rule is, no eating after practice or work. I get out of practice at 10PM and work at like 11PM. There's no reason that I should have to eat that late anyways. So , ya, that's the new plan. I guess I should probably eat breakfast soon. Its already 1PM. It's so hard to plan for this many calories lol I go to the doctor on Friday morning, so I'll get the official weigh in. I'll post my first weigh in and pics and measurements in a second and also I'll post the daily moves :) I hope everyone is doing well with the challenge.


  1. I eat less than your site said to yesterday by like 75 lbs got on the scale today and gained 2 lbs I am going back to the as little as possible count lol

  2. Ya lol I feel like the food weight shows up first, but over time your metabolism will stay revved up throughout the day and the weight will come off. Idk lol I'm new to eating this much in a day too, and that's why I'm testing it out to see if it really works. Are you going to do the challenge with us ? :)

  3. My first day didn't go too well. The calorie limit was higher than I'd normally eat, and I ending up eating quite a lot, not too much over though, I hope anyway. My weight's stayed pretty much the same. I'm hoping it will start showing results after a few days.

  4. That really isn't too bad intake wise....I hope your first weighin goes well for you <3
